Cretemedix Bedrock+

BEDROCK+ is designed to increase the wear resistance and surface strength of polished concrete floors.

  • Hardens, seals, densifies and waterproofs
  • Increases longevity of floors
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Increases light reflectivity
  • Creates and maintains a longer shine
  • Resists Dusting


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Variations of color, packaging and container shape may change, volume and product claims will not.


Scrub surface area well with a concrete cleaner. Rinse completely and when area is completely dry, use wax applicator or new lintless mop in applying the sealer and hardener to area. For very porous floors, a second coat is recommend.

COVERAGE: 350 to 500 ft2 per gallon.
DRYING TIME: Free in four hours.

Bedrock+ SDS PDF

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